Submitting your recertification application

Recertification Audit Process

HRCI randomly audits applications as part of our NCCA accreditation to ensure the quality and integrity of our certification programs.

If you are selected for an audit, you will need to submit all supporting document for the activities listed on your recertification application. It is important that you document and maintain these records for all continuing education activities you plan to submit for your current recertification cycle, In general, supporting documentation* should: 

  • Prove that activities are within the HR field, have added to your knowledge of HR and are connected to HRCI's Exam Content Outline, as defined in the HRCI Recertification Handbook.
  • Confirm participation in activities such as:
    • Certificates or letters of attendance/completion.
    • Registration forms, receipts or email confirmations.
    • Project documents for on-the-job experience.
  • Verify authorship in a scholarly publication for the Research/Publishing category.
  • Validate and confirm dates and times of participation in the activities listed on your recertification application.



We strongly recommend you upload documentation that demonstrated you have completed an activity. Completing this step as you enter activities will make your recertification plan a reference tool to store your certificates of completion and documentation and will make participation in our audit process streamlined and simple.

Further information and instructions will be provided to you at the time your application is selected for audit. HRCI will work with you to successfully complete the audit process.

Effective January 2021, all certificants are required to fulfill one ethics credit during their three-year recertification cycle. This one ethics credit is included in the required 45/60 recertification credits requirement.